Flowers, Cakes and Gifts Same Day |
100% Assured Delivery |
Same Day Delivery Available |
Secured Payment Gateway |
Delivery on Sundays and Holidays |
Join Our Network |
you are a florist, anywhere in India, you may join our
Network. |
Benefits: |
1) |
order received for your location (as per City Pincodes)
will be passed on to you for fullfillment. |
2) |
will cover Online as well as Florist to Florist orders.
3) |
may be able to pass on any order received by you for a
different location to us for fullfillment.Our automated
system will then take care
of the order by passing it on to to our network florist
and following it up. |
4) |
commission rate on order processing. |
Florist Network Organisation will charge 12% in case of
Online Orders and 6% in case of Florist to Florist Orders
as commission.
However, this is subject to a minimum of Rs.50 per order. |
apply or to know more, Please fill up the form below: |
shall contact you soonest possible to discuss all terms and
procedures. Thank You.