"By what you get, you make a living; what you give, however, makes a life" - Arthur Asche
Customer Review :
* �Thank you so much, it was a wonderful experience when the delivery boy knocked on the door with a pleasant surprise�. � Harvinder Singh, Ludhiana
* �The webpage is easy to navigate and easy to use and have no issue in finding the product quick and easily and the delivery schedule is also just right�. � Richard, London
* Can�t imagine the happiness that my wife experienced when the hamper was delivered right on her Birthday�! � Derek, U.K.
* Hi, few days back I had a complaint of delivery of the gift at the wrong address. But I am very pleased the way you followed up and delivered the gift at the right place. Keep it up! �Soren, Indonsia
* I would like to acknowledge the effort put in by the whole team that inspite of placing the order on such short notice; they have made sure that the order reached on time. � Srinath Reddy, Chennai