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"What we spend, we lose. What we keep will be left for others. What we give away will be ours forever." - David McGee |
Customer Review : |
* Commendable job done for the timely delivery of the gift which made the recipient so very happy. Continue doing such great service. � Jayden, Cape Town
* Appreciate the customer service and the handling of the issue. � Zane, Ireland
* Thank you very much for your prompt delivery. It was a great surprise and the recipient just loved the present. Superb! � Emmily, Sweden
* �I was apprehensive about the content and quality. But I was proved wrong. My wife was very happy with the gift. Thanks a ton to your team.� Sajid, Saudi Arab
* Happy Diwali to all the hard worked team members, who brought a happy moment for my family with the gift reaching on time. Keep up the good work.- Hugo, Kenya
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Stylish Pink n Yellow Roses with Persona... |
USD 19.32 / Rs. 1,642.20 |
Mixed Flowers Bouquet with 1 kg Mango Ca... |
USD 27.35 / Rs. 2,324.75 |
Gracefully Assorted Carnations Bouquet w... |
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Amazing Pink Carnations with Chocolate I... |
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Pamper Your Mom with Cadbury Chocolates ... |
USD 18.09 / Rs. 1,537.65 |
A basket of red roses annd sweets for de... |
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A lovely colorful bouquet... |
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Classic Lilies N Roses Bouquet with Ferr... |
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Mind-Blowing Lilies n Roses in Glass Vas... |
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Delicious Eggless Strawberry Cake for Mu... |
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