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"Presents are made for the pleasure of who gives them, not the merits of who receives them." - Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n, The Shadow of the Wind |
Customer Review : |
* �When it was getting impossible to send gifts to my dear ones, Your site came as a rescue�. � Tamanna Khan, Saudi Arab
* You really have quality products and a very good service providing team. Keep up the good work. � Hudson, Greece
* You guys are providing an incredibly good service. Really appreciate it and will keep on ordering. � Jackson, France
* Great job done for a timely delivery. I really appreciate it, I know I ordered the gift at the last minute but you all did great. �Eli, Las Vagas
* Hey guys, First time I ordered something to be delivered to U.S.A. Everything was great. Liked the efficiency of delivery service.- Milo, Norway
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USD 18.47 / Rs. 1,569.95 |
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Mother�s Day Gift Combo of Health & Luck... |
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Delicious 1 Lb Red Velvet Cake... |
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