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"I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy." - Kahlil Gibran |
Customer Review : |
* Can�t imagine the happiness that my wife experienced when the hamper was delivered right on her Birthday�! � Derek, U.K.
* Thanks that my order reached my family the day I wanted, and it was exactly what I ordered. This has given me the confidence to do more business with you. Keeps the good work going! � Beckett, U.K
* The gift reached on time, was a surprise to the family and a great success. It is a pleasure working with such a dependable group. Congratulations! � Jacob, Arjentina
* �I was never fond of online shopping till I ordered. The service and product portfolio is amazing. Can be recommended further. - Johnathen, Washington D.C.
* Happy Diwali to all the hard worked team members, who brought a happy moment for my family with the gift reaching on time. Keep up the good work.- Hugo, Kenya
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Combo of 12 Mixed Flowers Bouquet N 1 kg... |
USD 26.71 / Rs. 2,270.35 |
Stunning Arrangement of Red Roses... |
USD 5.49 / Rs. 466.65 |
A Taste of Love... |
USD 26.48 / Rs. 2,250.80 |
Pink Rose Bouquet with Delicious Red Vel... |
USD 16.13 / Rs. 1,371.05 |
Pink Perfections ... |
USD 11.51 / Rs. 978.35 |
Convivial Blossom Medley with 2 Dairy Mi... |
USD 8.3 / Rs. 705.50 |
Lump-of-Love 2 Kg Strawberry Cake... |
USD 32.49 / Rs. 2,761.65 |
Blooming Pink Roses Bouquet with Chocola... |
USD 14.91 / Rs. 1,267.35 |
Tasty Happy Mothers Day Chocolate Cake... |
USD 7 / Rs. 595.00 |
Ring-a-Ring o Roses... |
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