Flowers, Cakes and Gifts Same Day |
100% Assured Delivery |
Same Day Delivery Available |
Secured Payment Gateway |
Delivery on Sundays and Holidays |
About Us |
is a Network of Top Florists from various
cities and towns of India making a common
platform for exchange of orders between
member Florists. Simultaneously, the online
orders received from consumers/customers
on the website are also distributed among
the member florists for fulfillment according
to area demarketed for them.
Our aim is to be the Top online service
provider in India with Finest Quality Service,
Best Branded Products & Guaranteed Delivery
on Date.
Put us to the test, experience us &
compare us.
Our organization pursues advanced technology
and robust security system for online ordering
& thus can be termed a user friendly
website for sending gifts online.
We have the biggest network of florist in
India & we provide customer service
24 * 7 at +91 9830532347.
Even if any city or town name is not mentioned
in our city list we try our best to deliver
the gift to that place either thru courier
or thru local florist of any major city
nearer to that place.
1.) Assured Delivery on Date.
2.) All perishable items are hand delivered
Absolutely Fresh.
3.) Guaranteed Quality or else re-delivery.
4.) 24 Hours Customer Support.
5.) Highest Level of Security & Privacy.
6.) Your own Address Book.
7.) Free Membership with exciting rewards.
8.) Free Reminder Services.
IndiaFloristNetwork.com welcomes you as
one of our customers and thank you for trusting